Publishing Mint Rules
Every NFT in is minted, and you need to specify a minting rule within a game before minting.
Minting rules are established by game authors in advance and can determine properties such as supply, minting price, and randomness.
Both players and authors use the same rules for minting.
Publishing Minti Rules
Before publishing minting rules, you need to complete game registration. A game can establish multiple rules.
Once a rule is created, the core attributes cannot be changed.
The following are some attributes included in the rules:
Random Items: Items minted may appear randomly.
Minting Permission: Anyone can mint, or only the author is allowed to mint.
Supply: You can limit the total minting quantity, and once the minting limit is reached, you cannot mint more items unless existing items are destroyed. Random
Attributes: Items can have multiple attributes with random values that are determined after minting.
Minting Price: Set the minting price. Players need to spend the corresponding blockchain tokens (e.g., $KTR) for each mint, and after the system collects a deposit, 90% goes to the game author, and 10% goes to's DAO Fund. Deposit
Ratio: Set a deposit ratio so that it can be returned to the current item holder by the system when the item is destroyed.
Disabling Minti Rules
After disabling a rule, you can no longer mint items under that rule, and it cannot be re-enabled.